Children's Diet After Adenoid Surgery
Give your child fluids as soon as he wants them and as often as he wants them to prevent dehydration. He will probably experience pain or fever after the surgery and have an increased need for fluids. Try to get him to drink four glasses of fluid each day for a few days after surgery. Water and ice chips are fine. Frozen Popsicles are also good because cold fluid may help ease discomfort in the throat. Avoid hot fluids or carbonated drinks as these may irritate the throat. So do not serve citrus drinks like orange juice or lemonade for a week after surgery because the acids can cause irritation and aggravate pain.
If thin liquids go up your child's nose, serve thick drinks like milkshakes or smoothies. If your child experiences vomiting after surgery it is best to only serve clear liquids so you can watch for bleeding. If your child has vomiting that lasts for 24 hours or if he appears to be dehydrated, call your doctor right away. Nausea and vomiting sometimes occur as a side effect of medication used in surgery and should clear up within 24 hours.
Soft Food
Serve your child soft foods as early as the evening of surgery if he wants to eat them and he is able to keep down fluids without vomiting. Begin with pudding, noodles, eggs, yogurt, Jello or ice cream. It is best to stick to cool food at first. Introduce warm or room temperature soft food when your child can swallow it without irritation. Avoid spicy food or anything hot.
Solid Food
Feed your child solid food as soon as he is able to eat soft food with no discomfort. As long as his throat is not sore and he is able to swallow, it is fine to reintroduce solid food as early as the day after surgery. For a few days it is best to avoid sharp foods like chips, pizza crusts, dry cereals or toast. Select foods for your child's diet after adenoid surgery following the same guidelines you would use if your child had a sore throat. Offer plenty of liquids, serve cool soft foods and resume solid foods when his throat pain has subsided.