Croupy Cough Treatment
Home Treatments
While croup has to run its course before a child can get rid of it, there are things that can be done in the home to alleviate the symptoms of croup. Because croup is a sickness that blocks the airways, it is important to try to open up the trachea as much as possible when it is being treated. This is particularly true when a coughing fit occurs. These severe coughs usually occur in the evening and make it hard for a child to breath.
In order to give a child immediate help, take him in the night air for a few minutes. The cold, moist air is effective at helping to open up the trachea and reduce swelling and inflammation. Although taking a child in cold air when he is coughing is not a good idea for most sicknesses, this is actually one of the very best things a parent can do for a child who has croup.
By including a mist vaporizer in the home -- and particularly in the child's bedroom -- you can minimize the risk of having the child break out in a coughing fit that occurs from the larynx being nearly closed. Avoid rooms that are filled with smoke and do not smoke around children who have croup, as this will make their condition worse.
If there is a fever that is associated with the croup, you can give the child a medication with acetaminophen in it. Medicines like Tylenol include acetaminophen.
Perhaps one of the most important things to remember is your role as a comforter and nurturer. When a child has an attack from the onset of croup, it is very common for them to cry -- at times hysterically -- because it is difficult for them to breath. Reassure the child and let them know that you are going to help them. If the child is old enough to understand you, explain that you are taking them outside to help them. Remember to check on children often when they are sleeping and have croup. Listen for barky coughs or throaty breathing. If you hear either of these things, it is best to take the child outdoors for some cool air. If it is not cool outside, the mist from a shower can also help clear the airways.