Natural Treatment for Warts on a Child
Treating Warts With Banana Peels
According to, rubbing the inside of the banana peel on a wart yields visible results in under two weeks. One reader recommends scraping a bit of the inner peel onto the wart, then covering with a bandage. Potassium and enzymes, apparently, are the magic ingredient.
Apple Cider Vinegar
- readers have voted the apple cider vinegar remedy as the most successful natural cure for warts, with some reporting that the warts were gone in just a few days. Vinegar is acidic, so rub a layer of petroleum jelly in a circular area around the wart to prevent unwanted itching. Apply a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar to the wart and cover with a bandage. Visible results happen overnight. Eventually, the wart shrivels up and falls off.
- offers up milkweed as a natural treatment for warts. A weed in most areas of the country, the nectar of this plant is the favored food of monarch butterflies. Unlike apple cider vinegar, the milkweed is said to cause no discomfort. The website claims that applying the milky sap from the stem helps dramatically. Break a stem in half and the "milk" is easy to see. It tastes horrible, though, so don't attempt to eat it.