Exercise Drills for Homeschooled Kids
Begin each session with warm-ups and stretching. Have your child or children stand with their feet slightly apart. Instruct them to slowly raise their arms to the side until they are straight over their heads, then to reach for the ceiling or sky. Have them reach for approximately 3 seconds. Now have them slowly return their arms to their sides, keeping their arms stiff. Repeat this three to five times.
Now have the children slowly reach for the floor without bending their knees and with their feet together. Direct them to slowly stand back up into a full upright position. Repeat this three to five times.
Finally, have the children sit on the floor with their legs straight and spread shoulder-width apart. Instruct them to slowly reach for their right foot, return to an upright sitting position, and then reach for their left foot. Repeat this three to five times.
Get Moving
Running in place is a simple exercise for a youngster. Begin by having the children run in place at their own pace. Switch to faster, then slower. Alternatively, have them do tiny steps in place quickly, and large steps bringing their knees to their chest slowly..Continue for up to 5 minutes.
Jumping jacks are another simple exercise that doesn't require much space.
Have the children do them in slow motion and then get faster and faster. Continue for up to 5 minutes.
Have your group lay on the floor with their legs straight, arms extended above their heads. Have them raise their legs up perpendicular to the floor. Now have them reach for their legs. Vary the exercise by doing only one leg and the opposite arm. Repeat five to 10 times.
Cool Down
Cool down is a very important time. It allows the muscles to recoup and the child or children in your group to relax and calm down before returning to their studies.
Have the children sit with their legs crossed under them. Have them bend forward, reaching out their hands to touch the floor in front slowly. Repeat this five to 10 times.
Next, have the children lie on their backs with their legs straight and arms stretched above their heads. Instruct them to slowly move their straight arms to their side and return them to the original position. Now have them spread their legs slowly apart and return. Repeat this five to 10 times.
Finally, have the children stand straight with their hands at their sides. Have them lean their head back and roll it to the front--first left, then right. Repeat this three to five times.