Stomach Ache Remedies for a Child
Stomach Flu Remedy
One major culprit of stomachaches in children is the stomach flu, otherwise known as gastroenteritis. After upper respiratory infection, the stomach flu is the second most common illness in the United States. If your child is feverish, vomiting and/or suffering from diarrhea in addition to having a stomachache, there is a chance that your child has the stomach flu. While the stomach flu cannot necessarily be treated with antibiotics, you can help your child avoid dehydration by offering him lots of clear fluids. Call your child's pediatrician if you believe the symptoms are worsening.
Constipation Remedy
Sometimes abdominal pain in children is caused by constipation, or only having a small bowel movement once every two or three days. Constipation in children may be caused by stress, dehydration or the addition of new foods to the diet. To encourage your child's body to expel stool more frequently, make sure your child is exercising and/or playing regularly, and drinking plenty of clear fluids, and feed her foods that produce looser stools. Such foods include apricots, prunes and peas. Also make sure your child has at least 10 minutes each morning to use the toilet, as some children withhold stool if they are feeling stressed about going.
Food Sensitivity Remedy
Your child may have a tough time digesting certain foods and beverages, causing consistent stomachaches. One common stomachache culprit is lactose intolerance. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include diarrhea, cramps, gas and bloating. Some doctors will recommend removing dairy from your child's diet for a few days, and then reintroduce it to see if the switch impacted your child's symptoms. Other food sensitivities may be to spicy foods, greasy foods and foods that have gone bad. Keep track of what your child has eaten anytime she complains of a stomachache.
Stress Remedy
Stress in children can cause a "nervous stomach." Abdominal pain caused by stress can be helped if a close adult takes the time to discuss any potentially stressful situations with the child. Have a discussion with your child about school, friends or any obvious issues, such as the death of a pet, that may be causing your child to experience stress pain in his stomach. Also spend time cuddling, kissing and hugging your child to help comfort him.
Symptoms of Appendicitis
Appendicitis is the inflammation and infection of the appendix, a small organ that sits at the beginning of the large intestine. Once the appendix becomes infected, it should be removed to prevent it from bursting and/or spreading infection to the abdomen. Common symptoms of appendicitis include:
Abdominal pain (notably in the lower right abdomen)
Abdomen that is distended, and sensitive to touch
Call your child's pediatrician to find out whether she thinks you should take your child to the emergency room. Avoid giving your child an enema or any laxatives, as they may actually cause the appendix to rupture.