Free Kid Exercise Plans

A higher percentage of American children are becoming obese each year. Eighty percent of those will remain obese throughout their adult lives. There are ways you can get your kids on an exercise plan for free. It may just help the entire family become closer and healthier.
  1. Rules

    • The first thing a parent must do is set rules and limitations. Kids don't get to play at school as much as they once did. Computers, TV and video games consume much of their time. Limit the amount of time your children can spend doing sedentary tasks and encourage them to be active.

    Set the Tone

    • Lead by example and get involved yourself. Go to the park with your child. Play soccer, basketball, baseball or just go for a walk. Swimming and bike riding are wonderful methods of exercise that don't feel much like exercise. Encourage your child to invite friends or organize a small neighborhood game. The important thing is to be consistent. Make daily activity a part of your daily routine.


    • Your child should see his doctor before beginning any new activities. Make sure he stretches and warms up and cools down to avoid injuries. Basic stretches and slow walking works well. Never allow your kid to begin weight lifting, unless instructed by a certified trainer. Heavy weight lifting is not encouraged for anyone who is not fully developed, meaning "fully grown." Strength training with lesser amounts of weight is okay, but check with a certified trainer or doctor.

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