How to Treat Mild Fever in Children
Things You'll Need
- Acetaminophen Ibuprofen Light clothing Ice pops Gelatin
Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Only give the amount that is recommended for the child's age and weight on the back of the bottle. If the child is younger than two, call a doctor to find out the proper dosage.
Give a sponge bath to make the child more comfortable and decrease the fever. Do not use cool water, because it can cause the child to shiver. Hot water also should not be used. Keep the water lukewarm.
Keep the child in clothing that is light and breathable. Putting too much clothing on a child who has a fever can keep the child warm and not allow heat to escape. This actually can cause the child's temperature to rise and the fever to get worse.
Keep the child hydrated by giving fluids such as water, ice pops or gelatin. The child who does not stay hydrated is less likely to have a strong enough immune system to quickly fend off a mild fever.
Keep the child away from physical activity and from others for about 24 hours. This gives the child time for his fever to decrease and his body to adapt and regain its strength.