Characteristics of Mentally Challenged Children
Cognitive Difficulties
Children with mental retardation have cognitive delays, which limits the child's ability to learn academic skills. These delays affect their ability to understand concepts, process information and solve problems. Children with mental retardation may have strengths and weaknesses in various cognitive abilities. Cognitive abilities can be improved if parents and educators recognize the strengths present and instruct to those strengths.
Adaptive Behavior Difficulties
Adaptive behaviors include those behaviors that are needed to take care of oneself. Children with mental retardation may have difficulties with daily living skills such as self-feeding, toileting and dressing. Adaptive behaviors may also include language skills. Children with mental retardation may have difficulties with understanding what is being said to them (receptive language) and may have difficulties expressing themselves through oral language (expressive language). In addition, adaptive behaviors include those behaviors needed to appropriately interact socially. Children with mental retardation often have difficulties learning and utilizing social rules. They may have no trouble hugging strangers, for example. They may have difficulties interacting with siblings and other children.
Low Intelligence Quotient
Children with mental retardation typically have an intelligence quotient below 70, with 85 to 115 being the average intelligence quotient for all people. Scores from 50 to 69 indicate mild mental retardation, scores from 35 to 49 indicate moderate mental retardation, scores from 20 to 34 indicate severe mental retardation and scores lower than 20 indicate profound mental retardation. Intelligence quotient scores can be obtained through nonverbal tests such as the Tony or through both verbal and nonverbal tests such as the WISC or RIAS.
Emotional Characteristics
Children with mental retardation often recognize that they have difficulties with tasks that others find easy. This realization can lead to frustration, anger and depression. Some children with mental retardation may suffer from anxiety. These children may act out due to these emotions. They may have trouble expressing their feelings and may show their feelings in ways such as refusing to eat or sleeping too much.
Mental Retardation Classifications
Those children who are mildly mentally retarded are considered to be educable and may be able to achieve up to the 6th grade level. Individuals who are moderately mentally retarded are considered to be trainable, which means they can learn to complete daily living skills. However, they will probably not be able to understand academic concepts. Those children who are severely or profoundly mentally retarded will often require supervision and help with daily living skills for the duration of their lifetime.