How to Diagnose Adrenal Fatigue in Children
How To Diagnose Adrenal Fatigue In Children
Look for an overall "fatigued" state early in the morning and between the hours of 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. These are the typical documented times when the syndrome seems to "drain" most of the people affected. Also if your child gets tired around 9 p.m. or 10 p.m., but fights the urge to sleep, she could be experiencing the side effects of the syndrome.
See if your child feels faint or dizzy when she gets up from a sitting down or laying down position.
Determine if your child tends to want sugary or salty foods when she seems lethargic or sleepy. According to Dr. Lam if your child craves "salty, fatty, and high protein food such as meat and cheese," she may be experiencing the side effects of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome.
Check for signs of a weakened immune system. According to Women to Women magazine a "poor immune function" can mean the syndrome is present.
Check for an Intolerance to cold which can also be a sign of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, especially when combined with other symptoms listed on this page.
Check for a constant state of nervousness. Also for higher than normal levels of stress. While stress is typically found in adult patients it may also be diagnosed in children. According to Women To Women this "nervousness" may include "trembling when in a high pressure or nerve racking situations."
Consult with a doctor if more than one symptom is shown. While these are the main symptoms your doctor may be able to diagnose more closely other symptoms that only a trained professional will detect.