Signs of Bladder Infections in Boys
The identification of bladder infection in boys is not straightforward varies from child to child as well as from infection to infection. An indication of a problem occurs when a child complains of discomfort and the discomfort does not go away or worsens.
The signs of a bladder infection in boys may be as simple and unspecific as a fever that doesn't go away, or the child just may not be as hungry as normal. More common complaints of a bladder infection in boys include symptoms such as painful urination, inability to empty the bladder, cloudy urine, increased urges to urinate, urine that has blood in it, urine that has a foul smell to it, low back and abdominal pain, and some children even begin wetting their bed or pants after being potty trained.
When a child is brought to the doctor with bladder infection symptoms, he will need to provide a urine sample. The doctor will use urine dip sticks that can check for infection through the level of white blood cells. A bladder infection is easily diagnosed through this method and treatment will begin.
Treatment usually consists of oral antibiotics such as amoxicillin or Cipro for seven to ten days. For smaller children, the antibiotics will be dispensed in liquid form, but capsules can be prescribed for older boys. Those experiencing uncontrollable pain can take Motrin. If this does not provide enough relief, a doctor can prescribe a medication.
After having a bladder infection many children and parents are more likely to pay attention to hygiene habits in the bathroom and elsewhere. While this may not prevent all bladder infections in boys the washing of hands after going to the bathroom will help prevent the spread of germs. Boys should also be taught to fully empty their bladder and shake any remaining drips off before finishing to avoid attracting bacteria .
Bladder infections in boys are significant enough that by the age of five up to 2 percent of boys have had at least one. The good news is that there are steps that can be taken to prevent future bladder infections. Concentrating on developing good toilet and personal hygiene habits and doing away with bubble baths and scented soaps can all help reduce the incidence of bladder infection.
Even taking steps to prevent bladder infections may not do away with the problem for good, as some children who have a family history of bladder infections or have a malformation of the bladder or kidneys may continue to have issues.
A bladder infection that is not treated in a timely manner will not only cause the child to experience a lot of pain, it can also turn into a kidney infection, which if not treated can cause a host of other problems. Risks associated with bladder infection in boys can be limited when treatment is sought as soon as symptoms are reported.