How to Deal With a Stutter
Learn about stuttering. Use your knowledge to inform others about it. The more you know about stuttering, the easier it will be for you to accept it and deal with it. Educating yourself about the condition will also help to dispel myths and misunderstandings you and others may have. Furthermore, you will be able to educate uninformed people who may not fully understand the disorder. Some people who stutter are sometimes targets of mean jokes and bullying. Educating others is a powerful step in building tolerance for this oft-misunderstood disorder.
Join a stuttering support group where you can meet with others who suffer from this speech impediment. Getting to know others facing similar obstacles is an effective method of dealing with stuttering because it gives you an outlet through which you can express your concerns, hopes and fears without worrying about being judged or misunderstood. Moreover, surrounding yourself with people who understand, accept and support you can go a long way toward raising self-esteem.
Go to speech therapy to work with a speech pathologist to improve your communication skills. Whether your stuttering is severe or mild, continued speech therapy will help you cope with your condition. Moreover, having a goal to work toward will allow you to concentrate your energy on the positives instead of focusing on the negatives.
Try to lead a normal life. Don't let your speech shortcomings affect your personal goals and aspirations. Many famous actors and musicians--like Samuel L. Jackson, James Earl Jones and Carly Simon--have reportedly suffered from stuttering. However, they have gone on to have successful careers. You, too, can lead a successful, full life despite your speech impediment.
Accept that you may never completely stop stuttering. The truth is that there is no cure for stuttering, and people can suffer from the disorder their entire lives. Once you come to terms with your condition, it won't be as big a burden for you to carry.