How to Prevent Depression in Children
Check into your family medical history to see whether there are instances of depression. If there is a history of depression, you might need to evaluate whether current family circumstances could trigger a cycle of depression. Consider having a trusted therapist available to have sessions with the child before any cycle of depression has the chance to begin.
Communicate regularly with the child. Watch to see if the child is lethargic or anti-social and encourage the child to keep open communication.
Make sure the child is getting some sort of daily exercise and exposure to sunlight. Sunlight will balance moods and keep sleeping patterns stable and exercise is a highly effective recommended way of preventing depression.
Make sure the child has a healthful diet because unhealthy foods will create a strain on the body. Foods high in sugar, white wheat carbohydrates and fried foods will make the sugar levels in the body swing in extremes. causing severe mood swings and emotional outbursts. A balanced diet of grains, whole meal wheat, meat or other protein and fruit and vegetables is recommended.
Find creative expressive outlets for your child to engage in. Creative expression is a powerful way of coping and processing emotions and will be invaluable to a child who might be at risk of developing depression.