Sensory Activities for Children
Simply put, sensory activities are activities that appeal to the senses. These senses include sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, which, when combined, result in body awareness.
Children who do sensory activities on a regular basis develop better socially, emotionally and intellectually. They will be prepared to learn in school and will ultimately feel better about themselves.
Sight and Sound
Children can learn a great deal by looking at and hearing the world around them. Go out on nature hikes with your child. As you hike, have the child describe what she sees and hears.
Smell and Taste
Cooking is a great way to explore the senses of smell and taste. Another idea would be to try to guess what a food is by tasting or smelling it without looking at it.
Allow children to feel items of different textures, weights and sizes without looking at them. Try having a mystery box where children have to identify things without seeing them.
Body Awareness and Balance
Jumping is a simple way for kids to try to maintain their balance and to learn where their bodies are in space. Bouncing on a hopping ball also has these same benefits.