Types of Warts in Children
Most warts are caused by the human papilloma virus. It can be contagious from person to person.
Common Wart
Children get common warts on their hands or fingers. They are simply hard, rough bumps that are raised. They may look almost like a pimple but are most often flesh-colored.
Plantar Wart
Plantar warts form on the soles of children's feet and look almost like calluses or corns, but they will often have black dots on the surface. They can be uncomfortable because of placement and often need immediate removal due to discomfort.
Flat Wart
Flat warts form on children's faces. While they are most often not raised, they can be.
Warts do not---as a general rule---turn into cancer or anything else that would put your child in danger. The biggest complaint is that the warts make children feel self-conscious.
While there are over-the-counter solutions that you can use, if you see a doctor, she may choose to freeze the wart to remove it or remove it with a scalpel, depending on size and placement.