Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms in Toddlers

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that is life-threatening for the children who are diagnosed with it. It generally is not diagnosed until the child has had a series of severe lung infections or begins to have severe growth problems. Though this disease is not curable, there are treatments available which can prolong the life--as well as improve its quality--of the child.
  1. Early Detection

    • The earlier symptoms are recognized and the disease diagnosed, the more effective the treatments will be. This results in a longer life for the child.


    • Cystic fibrosis is caused by a faulty gene that affects the movement of sodium (salt) through certain cells. This results in the build up of of heavy mucus secretion in the lungs, as well as thickened digestive fluids.

    Poor Growth

    • Often the first indication of cystic fibrosis, toddlers may eat a lot with no weight gain. This is because the thickened digestive fluids are unable to reach the intestines to absorb the nutrients from the food.

    Coughing and Wheezing

    • This is caused by the build up of mucus secretions in the lungs, making toddlers with cystic fibrosis prone to breathing problems and lung infections.

    Salty Skin

    • Toddlers with cystic fibrosis will have salty-tasting skin; this is because they produce a salty sweat from the abnormal movement of salt through their cells.

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