How to Treat Post Nasal Drip in Children
Decrease exposure to any allergens. Certain allergens can cause your child to suffer from post nasal drip. Eliminate or reduce her exposure to dust mites, pollen, mold and dander from animals.
Place a humidifier in the child's room. A humidifier can help break up the mucus that is caused by his post nasal drip. Turn on the humidifier at night while the child sleeps and when symptoms tend to worsen.
Eliminate the child's exposure to any nasal irritants. If the child is suffering from post nasal drip, keep her away from cigarette smoke, perfumes and aerosol spray. These substances can aggravate her symptoms.
Use a saline nose spray to treat post nasal drip in children. Look for specially-formulated versions that are meant to be used on children. Squeeze the bottle and allow the mist to enter the child's nasal passages. Use as directed by your pediatrician.
Treat the underlying cause. If the doctor determines that the post nasal drip is caused by an infection, antibiotics will be administered to the child to treat the problem.
Give him a dose of an antihistamine based on his age and weight. If the post nasal drip is allergy related, your doctor may allow you to treat it with an over-the-counter antihistamine. The pediatrician may recommend children's Benadryl.