Lower Left Abdominal Pain in Children

Abdominal pain is frightening, especially when it is your child that is having the pain. Sometimes it can be difficult to know what is the cause of your child's abdominal pain, and what can be done to help her. If the abdominal pain is located on your child's left side, there may be many causes.
  1. Heartburn

    • Heartburn and upset stomach can be felt on the left side of the body in children. It feels like a churning pain.


    • Constipation can be accompanied by sharp pains, and can be felt all over the abdomen, including the left side.


    • Hernia could be the cause of your child's abdominal pain. Hernia is when there is a weakness in the lining of the intestines. It is accompanied by excruciating pain.


    • Gas can become temporarily trapped in the intestines and can cause fluctuating bouts of sharp pain.


    • Diarrhea can be very painful, and can feel like a cramping, sharp or dull pain.

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