Pneumonia Symptoms in Toddlers
Pneumonia symptoms in toddlers may vary depending on whether they have bacterial or viral pneumonia. While both forms can be severe, bacterial is generally considered the more serious of the two.
Symptoms of Bacterial Pneumonia
Bacterial pneumonia symptoms in toddlers may begin quite suddenly and include coughing, fever, flaring nostrils, quick breathing, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, a rapid pulse and weakness.
Symptoms of Viral Pneumonia
Early symptoms of viral pneumonia in toddlers generally seem similar to those of a common cold, but they gradually progress to more serious symptoms such as a high fever, bad cough, chest wheezing, quick breathing, vomiting, diarrhea and weakness.
If you suspect pneumonia, get immediate medical attention for your child. A doctor can diagnose the pneumonia and whether it is bacterial or viral by listening to the lungs and possibly ordering a chest X-ray, blood test, or test of the nose mucus.
Bacterial pneumonia in toddlers can be treated with antibiotics, but there is no medication for viral pneumonia. Most pneumonia symptoms in toddlers improve with rest, plenty of fluids, a humidifier for the coughing, and acetaminophen for fever.