Normal Cholesterol Levels in Children
For children between the ages of 2 and 19, the goal is to keep LDL less than 130 mg and HDL greater than 35 mg.
LDL is low-density lipoprotein, the "bad cholesterol" that can cause a plaque build up in the arteries. HDL is high-density lipoproteins, the "good cholesterol" that actually removes the "bad cholesterol" from the blood and keeps you healthy.
You should have your child's cholesterol level checked beginning at the age of 2 if at least one parent has had LDL levels of 240 mg or higher, heart disease has occurred in a grandparent or parent before the age of 55 or if the child is obese.
The two main types of treatment are lifestyle changes (diet and exercise) or medicines used to lower the LDL levels.
Children who have high LDL levels may have a greater risk of getting atherosclerosis when they are older.
You don't actually need to consume cholesterol. Your body produces it in the liver and it generally produces more than enough for you to live on (1,000 mg a day).
If left untreated throughout childhood, it may raise the risk of coronary heart disease as an adult. Eating a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day can help to lower cholesterol levels in children.