How to Recognize Acid Reflux in Children
Children with acid reflux may experience pain behind the breastbone and in the neck and throat. Children may also complain of burning or pain in their throats.
Children with acid reflux are usually very picky eaters. They may refuse food because it causes them discomfort to swallow.
Acid Reflux symptoms may also include trouble swallowing. Children may feel like their food gets stuck in their throat. They may also complain about having frequent sore throats.
Research suggests there may be a connection between asthma in children and acid reflux. Refluxed acid may be aspirated from the stomach to the lungs causing asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis.
Irritation from reflux acid may cause hoarseness in children. Drooling is also a sign of acid reflux in children.
Poor sleeping patterns increase when the contents of children's stomach's are pressed against the lower esophageal sphincter causing discomfort. Children with acid reflux may also wake frequently during the night.