How to Get Rid of Pinworms
Take the child to a doctor. The doctor might want you to test the child at home by placing a piece of folded tape, sticky sides facing out, next to the sleeping child's anus. You will then bring this tape to the doctor where he will look at it under a microscope to see if there are any pinworms or eggs on the tape.
Wash your hands often. Washing your hands with warm, soapy water and doing it often will help to get rid of the pinworms and their eggs. Washing needs to be done after bathroom use and before eating or drinking.
Avoid scratching around your bottom. The pinworms eggs will get under your fingernails and then you will spread them to whatever you touch.
Wash clothing and bedding. This needs to be done regularly while getting treatment and after each treatment.
Take pinworm medicine. If you go to the doctor, he will prescribe pinworm medicine or you can buy some over-the-counter medicine. Some brands of over the counter pinworm medicines are Pin-X and Pin-Rid.