How to Treat a Child's Bladder Infection
Give her cranberry juice. Make sure to get 100 percent juice. Cranberry juice can be sour, so you may want to get cranberry-grape or cranberry-raspberry combinations to make the taste a little sweeter.
Increase fluids. Aside from cranberry juice, try upping her water intake. The more fluids her body has passing through helps to heal the body, and gives her some liquid to dilute her urine.
Give her ibuprofen for the pain. Take especially before bedtime to minimize the discomfort and pressure she's feeling. This will allow her to sleep.
Visit the doctor for a urine test. He may prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. You can get an over-the-counter urinary pain reliever which doesn't affect the bacteria, but dulls the pain when the child has to pee. Be aware that it turns the pee bright orange! And make sure to give the child the appropriate dosage, since the medication is geared toward adult weight.
Let the child sit on the toilet as long as she feels she has to. Even if nothing is coming out, the feeling is uncomfortable, and just sitting still over the toilet until the pain goes away can help some kids to relax. Off the toilet, make sure your child is laying in bed and resting.
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