How to help your toddler sleep through the night

This article will give you tips on letting helping your toddler get a full nights rest.

Things You'll Need

  • Patience
  • consistancy
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      Make sure your toddler wakes up at the same time every day. Mine usually wakes up at 8 am

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      Take the morning easy but after lunch at 12:00 pm let the toddler go to the park or do some strenous activity for 3 hours.

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      Give the baby a 1 hour nap at about 2:30 do not let the baby sleep past 4:00 pm for a 10:00pm bed time.

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      Feed warm milk to the baby with lights dim 30 minutes before bed time.

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      Hold the baby in her favorite position calmly for about 15 mintues.

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      Place the baby in a crib without a bottle and a little night light on. If the baby is fussy use a binki instead of a bottle as a bottle is not good for the childs teeth.

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