How to Find a Pediatric Gynecologist
Talk to your child's pediatrician or family practice doctor. Chances are, if your child needs a pediatric gynecologist, they'll refer you to one. Depending on your medical practice, you may need a referral from your child's pediatrician to schedule an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist.
Get in touch with your insurance company to make sure the pediatric gynecologist you want is a part of your insurance carrier. If they're not, you may end up paying out of pocket for medical services. This may be extremely expensive depending on your child's needs.
See if your hospital or medical practice offers health and wellness classes geared toward teenage sexual and reproductive health. Perhaps a pediatric gynecologist teaches those classes. If not, someone who knows the pediatric gynecologists in your area may be teaching the classes.
Contact the North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (NASPAG). Perhaps they can give you a list of pediatric gynecologists in your area.