How to Identify Signs of ADHD in Children
Observe the child and note if he shows seven or more signs of ADHD. There are many symptoms of ADHD including failure to pay attention, short attention span, poor organization, forgetfulness, often interrupts other people, often loses things, is easily distracted, talks a lot and fidgets with his hands and feet.
Note how long your child has been had the ADHD symptoms. According University of Maryland Medical Center, ADHD symptoms must be present for at least two months.
Determine at what age the symptoms began. Children usually have ADHD symptoms before age 7.
Identify if the symptoms significantly make life challenging in two areas of his life. With children, their school and home lives are most affected. If your child is bright, for example, but receives poor grades because he has difficulty focusing on his school work, this may be due to ADHD.