How to Get Kids to Enjoy Alfalfa
Grow your own alfalfa garden and let your kids get involved in the fun. From preparing the soil to harvesting alfalfa, kids are much more likely to enjoy drinking the juice when they have participated in the growing process.
Save a few seeds when planting and sprout them, again, letting your kids help. They can prepare the seeds and watch them grow. When the sprouts are ready, kids will enjoy the fact that they watched it grow right before their eyes.
Allow your children to harvest their own alfalfa for juicing, picking the fresh green leaves and beautiful purple flowers which will be transformed into a beautiful juice.
Purchase a hand crank juicer, such as those made for juicing wheatgrass, and let your kids make their own juice. While the process may be a bit messy, the act of feeding the leaves and flowers into the machine and cranking until the dark green juice flows from the spout is a fun way to get them to enjoy the juice.
Sweeten up alfalfa juice to make a delicious and nutritious juices that kids can enjoy. Mixing alfalfa juice with honey, carrot juice or fruit juices such as apple, pear or orange.