How to Easily Get Rid of Head Lice
Rub mayonnaise into the infested hair. The mayonnaise will suffocate the adult lice. The amount of mayonnaise depends on how much hair the child has. Work it into the hair, much like shampoo and let it sit for three hours.
Wash the mayonnaise out with shampoo and then rinse it thoroughly with vinegar. The vinegar will serve to lubricate the hair so a comb can get through it easily.
Use the lice comb to comb out the hair once you finish rinsing. Comb small portions of the hair at once, watching closely to make sure you comb all the eggs, also called nits and dead adult lice out of the hair. Continue this process until you have gotten all the lice and nits. This usually takes a week or two.
Prevent reinfestation by putting all stuffed animals, pillows or anything else the child may have hugged or snuggled with into a garbage bag for two weeks. At the end of this time, wash everything that is washable.