How to Treat Speech Disorders

Speech disorders are common among young children but with appropriate therapy most will be resolved easily. For more serious disorders, on-going treatment may be needed. This article will guide you in treating speech disorders.


  1. Instructions In Treating Speech Disorders

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      Refrain from panicking if your child occasionally stutters or stumbles over a word. Children’s minds run faster than their mouths sometimes and, often, a mild stammer at a young age will resolve itself without intervention.

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      Verify that there is no physical reason for the speech disorder, such as a cleft palate or jaw deformity, which can hinder speech development.

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      Consider speech therapy in a relaxed setting. Reading aloud and having the patient repeat the sentences is a good method for small children, as are repetitive rhymes or games.

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      Memorize poems or stories for recitation. This is an extremely helpful form of speech therapy. Many patients can also sing with no problem; another part of the brain seems to take over and eliminate the problem.

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      Practice sounds and words throughout the day by naming things or reading aloud as you write. Try to do it without consciously thinking about it - often the problem lessens if you are not concentrating on it so hard.

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