How to Get a Child With Diarrhea to Eat Food
Start with small portions throughout the day. If your child's stomach is upset, the last thing he needs is big, heavy meal weighing him down. Instead, offer him smaller portions every few hours. It will help keep his strength up and encourage him to eat, if only a little.
Offer up some of her favorite foods. If she fights to eat, it's OK to give her a tasty treat or two to whet her appetite. You can always follow up that cookie with something a little heartier.
Try the BRAT diet. Used to treat a variety of conditions, the BRAT method works well for children with diarrhea. The foods are typically bland and low in fiber, which shouldn't upset his already delicate system. BRAT stands for bananas, rice, applesauce and toast; stick to these foods until he shows signs of improvement.
Remember the fluids. Dehydration is the most common concern when children have diarrhea, so make sure to give your child plenty of water, juice and milk. Over-the-counter electrolyte solutions are also helpful and come in a variety of different flavors to suit your child's tastes. Gelatin and pudding have a high liquid content and also work well for kids who don't want to drink.