How to Cure a Child's Stomach Ache
Apply heat. For infants, place a hot water bottle on your knees and lay the baby tummy side down on the bottle. Older children can use heating pads set on low heat. Parents should always be present when a child is using a heating pad.
Change your child's diet. For 24 hours, put them on clear liquids only, such as ginger ale, water, broth and Gatorade.
Give your child acetaminophen to help relieve the pain. Follow dosing instructions on the label for your child's weight and age.
Massage your child's tummy troubles away. You can often relieve stomach aches due to gas, constipation or colic using this method. Gently massage in a circular, clockwise motion, following the path of the digestive system.
Cuddle together. A stress related belly ache can subside with time spent together cuddling.
Make warm lemon tea with a few drops of honey. Give the warm tea to your child to help relax the stomach muscles.