How to Have a Child Safety Plan
Teach your child it is his responsibility to protect himself first. It is not up to him to protect the adults in the family. However the child can and should learn when to call for help.
Let your child pick a place in the home that they consider safe. The door to the room should lock and there should be a phone in the room. That is the first place the child should go if there is a threat to their safety from anything other than a fire.
Instruct your child in the proper way to call for emergency help on a landline phone and a cell phone. Do role-play phone conversations between your child and a 911 operator. Make sure the child knows to give his name, address and phone number.
Set a secret word. If you need to warn the child of danger, say the secret word. Train them to make a 911 call or whatever action you want when they hear the secret word. Remind them periodically of the secret word and tell them not to share it with anyone.
Make arrangements with a neighbor or friend to provide a safe haven for your child. Make sure your child knows how to get to the safe house on his own.
Review your child safety plan and update it annually. Make sure the child knows of any changes in the plan.