How to Spot Vision Problems in Kids
Watch your kid's eyes to look for unusual activity. Signs of vision problems may include your child squinting a lot at objects that are close by or far away, excessive blinking or rubbing of the eyes.
Look at your kid's eyes for anything out of the ordinary. Your child's eyes may look crossed or like they are not focused together. They may have excessive crust or pus on them, or they may tear excessively. You may also notice droopy eyelids or bulging eyes if there is a vision problem.
See if your child is complaining about her eyes. If your kid has a vision problem, they may complain that their eyes itch a lot or that they hurt.
Be on the lookout for headaches and dizziness. If your kid has frequent headaches or is often dizzy, it may be due to a vision problem.
Pay attention to your child when they read. If your kid holds books or magazines out very far from their face (like at arm's length) or very close to their face, they may have a vision problem.
Evaluate your kid's hand-eye coordination. If they seem to have problems with hand-eye coordination, a vision problem may be to blame. Notice if he has problems picking up toys and balls when he plays.
Try to determine if your child favors one eye over the other. If they tend to look at things using only one eye, then there may be a vision problem present.
Talk to your child about school. Children with vision problems may have trouble seeing the blackboard in school, especially if they are sitting in the back of the classroom. If your child sits in the front of the classroom because they have to in order to see the blackboard, he may have a vision problem. If your child sits in the back of the classroom and is having trouble performing in school, it may be due to a vision problem.