How to Recognize When to Seek Medical Attention for an Ear Ache
Things You'll Need
- Over-the-counter pain reliever
- Warm/cold compresses
Seek medical attention immediately if an ear ache is accompanied by a very bad headache, a high fever or a stiff neck. The inability to touch your chin to your chest due to swelling or pain can be a sign of a further disease process or a complication that needs to be looked at. Though many people recognize and use the chin to chest test for children, it's just as relevant for adults.
Seek help at the emergency room when an ear ache is caused by an object being inserted in the ear canal. Don't remove any objects that might remain in the ear canal. Instead, let the medical professional look at it and decide on the safest method of removal.
Provide initial treatment at home and see whether it relieves the ear ache. This includes such things as taking an over-the-counter pain reliever, using a hot or cold compress on the affected ear, and changing position to alleviate any pressure on the ear. Call the doctor if home treatment doesn't seem to be providing any relief within a day or if a child with an ear ache is inconsolable after all your efforts.
Call your medical provider if a mild ear ache has persisted for more than two days or a severe ear ache has persisted for more than a few hours. Pain that causes tears or ear pulling in children should be considered moderate to severe. Any type of pain that is part of a constellation of symptoms including fever, vomiting, dizziness or a general feeling of malaise deserves medical attention.
Go for a checkup if you notice hearing loss, especially if it was preceded by a sharp pain and a sudden relief of pressure in the affected ear. In conjunction with drainage from the ear (usually bloody, **** fluid), this may mean that the affected eardrum has burst. Though the ear ache will subside after some of the pressure is relieved, there will be a hole in the eardrum that may need antibiotic treatment.
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