How to Protect a Child From Mental Abuse
Take the child away from the abuser. If the abuser is affecting the child by putting negative thoughts in her mind or putting the child down, then take the child away. Prevent the child from seeing the abuser as it will only damage her for the future.
Ask the child if the abuser has said anything detrimental to him or if he has hurt his feelings in any shape or form. Sometimes children do not know they are being mentally abused. If they are made fun of, put down or constantly told they are worthless, then they are suffering from mental abuse.
Ask for some help. You might have to reinforce the positive thought process back into a child. Negative comments can easily take over a child's mind when they are young and impressionable. Some confidence boosting groups in the community will help the child recover from this type of abuse.
Reinforce the negative thought process by constantly saying positive comments to the child. Tell her that she is worthy, lovable and beautiful. If she comes back with a negative comment, then change it around.
Talk to the abuser. The abuser is not helping the child by conveying negative thoughts and mean comments. Explain why it is damaging and how it can effect the child's development into an adult.