How to Recognize Childhood Meningitis

Meningitis can be a serious disease for a young child. There are two types of meningitis, viral and bacterial. Treatment for viral meningitis is relatively easy, while bacterial meningitis can be a severe condition that can cause brain damage or even death if not treated promptly.

Things You'll Need

  • Thermometer
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      Have your child touch his chin to his chest. Ask him if this hurt his neck. A classic sign of meningitis, both bacterial and viral, is a stiff neck.

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      Record your child's temperature. If she has a fever, a temperature higher than 100 degrees F and shows other symptoms, seek out treatment with your pediatrician as there is a possibility of meningitis.

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      Observe a young child's behavior. If he is lethargic or resists eating, this is a sign of illness and possibly meningitis.

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      Watch for signs of breathing problems. In young children you may notice blue color in the face, wheezing or gasping for air. Children may also cough or seem like they have the flu or a cold.

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      Call the doctor's office if he shows any of these signs and is also vomiting.

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      Take your child to the doctor right away if she seems very lethargic or shows more than one of the signs of meningitis.

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