How to Identify Polio Vaccine Side Effects

Polio is a disease that enters a person's body through the mouth. Paralysis ensues, and the affliction can be severe a person can no can die. Polio was once a common disease in America, but is now preventable through vaccination. Here are some steps to identify a polio vaccine's side effects.


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      Look for mild side effects of the polio vaccine such as a sore spot where the shot was given. The shot is usually given in the upper arm or the upper thigh. There is a chance that the vaccine will react with your skin by causing a red spot to appear within the first few days after the shot is given. This is not a serious problem.

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      Notice unusual conditions from an allergic reaction. There are few cases of the severe allergic reaction from a polio vaccine, but if the spot in Step 1 grows larger, call your doctor. This may be a sign that you and the medicine do not agree.

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      Watch for a high fever. A high fever signals that your body is fighting something off. If the fever is high or persistent, call your doctor. The high fever is likely an allergic reaction like any other medicinal allergic reaction and not from the polio itself.

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