In world war 2 what emotions did the parents have sending there children away?
1. Fear and Anxiety: Parents were apprehensive about the dangers and uncertainties of war. They worried about their children's safety, well-being, and survival in a conflict zone.
2. Guilt and Regret: Many parents felt guilty for sending their children away, knowing the risks involved. They grappled with the internal conflict of wanting to protect their children while also recognizing the importance of their contribution to the war effort.
3. Hope and Optimism: Despite their fears, parents held onto hope that their children would return home safely. They believed in the righteousness of the cause and hoped for a swift end to the war.
4. Pride and Patriotism: Parents could feel a sense of pride in their children's willingness to serve their country. They knew their children were making sacrifices for a greater good, which instilled a sense of patriotism and national pride.
5. Sorrow and Grief: Parents who lost children in the war experienced intense sorrow and grief. The sense of loss and the absence of their loved ones left a lasting impact on their lives.
6. Resilience and Strength: Many parents demonstrated remarkable resilience and strength during this challenging period. They drew upon their inner resources to cope with the emotional turmoil, often serving as pillars of support for their families and communities.
7. Uncertainty and Adaptation: Parents had to adjust to the unpredictable nature of war and the evolving circumstances. They learned to adapt to the changes, including long periods of separation and disruptions to family life.
8. Gratitude and Appreciation: After the war, parents felt a profound sense of gratitude towards those who had fought and contributed to the war effort. They recognized the sacrifices made by their children and expressed appreciation for their bravery and commitment.
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