How to Make Kids' Nails Stronger and Not So Brittle
Provide your child with a well-balanced diet including biotin, which is a vitamin that metabolizes the protein keratin. Biotin, also known as vitamin H, is one of the b-complex vitamins responsible for encouraging the development of strong nails. Meat and dairy products are naturally rich in b-complex vitamins, but green, leafy vegetables and foods containing wholegrains are suitable alternatives for vegetarians.
Include foods that contain vitamin B12 in your child's diet. Vitamin B12 is found mainly in fish, meat and dairy produce, so a vegetarian may require a non-dietary supplement if his nails are brittle from a lack of vitamin B12.
Ensure your child's diet contains adequate levels of vitamin C to keep nails hydrated and strong. Dehydration is a cause of brittle or weakened nails, but a daily intake of fruit and vegetables helps to maintain the body's vitamin C levels and boost hydration. Vitamin C is water soluble, which means the body is unable to store the vitamin. Citrus fruits and vegetables such as peppers or tomatoes provide a good source of vitamin C.
Seek advice from a health professional if your child's nails are brittle and he eats a healthy, balanced diet. Your child may have a vitamin or mineral deficiency causing weak nails, or it could be a symptom of a more serious disease. A doctor or nutritionist must diagnose the problem correctly and recommend an appropriate course of action.
Ask your doctor if you should consider vitamin supplementation if your child is a vegetarian or follows a restricted diet, because a lack of dietary vitamins may be the cause of brittle nails.
Include a vitamin supplement in your child's diet if your doctor or nutritionist advises you to do so. A restricted diet may not provide the necessary vitamins and minerals required for healthy nails, and a vitamin B or vitamin C supplement can make your child's nails stronger and less brittle.
Consider a multivitamin and mineral supplement if your child is a fussy eater. Brittle nails can be a sign of vitamin B and vitamin C deficiency, but if your child refuses to eat a balanced diet he may also be lacking other essential vitamins and minerals. Seek the advice of a health professional if you think your child has a general vitamin deficiency.