How to Disinfect Golden Books for Kids

Golden Books is a division of Random House Publishing that focuses on publishing children's books. It is responsible for popular children's books including "Pat the Bunny," "The Little Red Hen," and Richard Scarry's series. You might be worried that these books could be a hotbed of germs that could be exposed to your child. It's a fact that most germs die in dry areas such as on the pages of your child's books. Though few germs will actually be able to live on them, you can disinfect your children's books as a precaution if the child has been sick.

Things You'll Need

  • Disinfectant spray
  • Clean cloth
  • Blow-dryer
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  1. Paper Books

    • 1

      Spray the book cover with disinfectant spray and wipe it with a clean cloth.

    • 2

      Mist the inside of the book cover lightly. Don't soak it, as the inside is generally not water-resistant. Wipe immediately with a clean cloth.

    • 3

      Apply a light mist on the pages as you slowly flip through them. This will spread the disinfectant spray but it won't soak the pages or damage the book.

    • 4

      Dry the book immediately out in the sun or with a blow-dryer on low heat.

    • 5

      Close the dry book and weigh it down with other books if the pages are slightly warped. This can happen if the pages get wet but they will soon flatten out.

    • 6

      Store the book in the freezer if you are still concerned about germs. Many germs die in very cold temperatures.

    Plastic or Rubber Books

    • 7

      Soak the entire book in disinfectant spray.

    • 8

      Wipe each page with a cloth to remove the disinfectant spray.

    • 9

      Rinse the book in clear water to remove spray residue.

    • 10

      Dry the book completely to prevent mildew from growing in between the pages.

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