How to Do the Heimlich Maneuver on Children
Determine that the choking victim really needs the Heimlich maneuver. If the child is able to speak or is forcefully coughing, you should not do the Heimlich maneuver. The choking victim will need immediate assistance if he cannot speak or cough, is having difficulty breathing or has lips, skin and nails turning dusky blue.
Administer five blows to the child's back. Aim to hit the heel of your hand in between her shoulder blades.
Stand behind the choking victim, wrapping your arms around him so you can reach his stomach and chest. Position your fist, with the thumb toward the child, directly above his naval. Use your other hand to wrap around your fist. The Mayo Clinic recommends you "press hard into the abdomen with a quick, upward thrust -- as if trying to life the person up." Perform these Heimlich thrusts five times.
Alternate five blows to the back with five Heimlich thrusts until the object blocking the child's windpipe is dislodged. Once the child is breathing and talking or coughing, call 911 for emergency assistance.