How to Teach Children to Walk With Quad Canes
Find an even, dry surface to teach the child to walk with a quad cane. It is more difficult to learn on wet or uneven surfaces.
Check the ends of the legs on the quad cane to make sure the tips are not worn. If a tip is worn, pull it off and push another one in its place.
Tell the child to stand up and steady herself before trying to use the cane.
Identify the child's injured or weak leg. Place the quad cane in the arm opposite her injured leg.
Place the flat side of the quad closest to her body so the open end of the handle is facing behind her.
Teach her to lift the quad cane up and move it one step-length, or 4 inches ahead of her body. Make sure the cane remains close to her body, and all four ends of the legs are flat on the ground.
Ask her if she feels balanced and steady before continuing to move forward.
Instruct her to step forward with her weak or injured leg, and to balance her body weight on the quad cane. The tip of her toes should not pass the feet of the cane.
Tell her to then step forward with her strong, or non-injured leg.
Repeat Steps 6 through 9 until she feels comfortable walking with a quad cane. Make sure she takes small steps, especially when making a turn.