How to Take the Temperature of Children
Things You'll Need
- Cotton ball
- Rubbing alcohol or soap
- Digital thermometer
- Pencil
- Notepad
Rectal Temperature
Clean your thermometer. Wet a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and wipe it over the tip of the thermometer. Use soap and cool water as an alternative.
Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the tip of a digital thermometer to make insertion easier. Turn on the thermometer and wait until it indicates that it is ready. Often, a digital thermometer beeps one or more times to signal that it is ready.
Lay your baby on its back on a flat stable surface, such as a bed. Place your nondominant arm behind his legs. Gently push his legs up toward his chest, so that his bottom is exposed. Your baby should not experience any pain.
Insert the thermometer approximately 1/2 inch into your baby's anus. Hold the thermometer between the fingers of your dominant hand while you wait about 1 minute.
Slide out the thermometer gently when it signals that the reading is complete. Look at the thermometer screen. Use a pencil and notepad and write down the temperature, date and time, so that you can keep track of possible temperature fluctuations. Turn off the thermometer.
Wash the thermometer tip with soap and water and dry it with a clean towel.
Oral Temperature
Clean the tip of your digital thermometer with soap and cool water. Dry the thermometer with a clean towel.
Turn the thermometer on and wait for it to signal that it is ready for use.
Have your child open his mouth and place the tip of the digital thermometer underneath his tongue toward the back of his mouth. Tell your child to close his mouth, refrain from talking and breathe through his nose. If your child recently drank a hot or cold beverage, wait at least 15 minutes before taking his temperature, because this can influence the thermometer reading. If your child is congested or has difficulty breathing, you may wish to take a rectal or axillary temperature.
Wait for the thermometer to signal that it is done before you remove it. Write down the date, time and temperature. Turn off the thermometer.
Wash and dry the thermometer and put it away.
Axillary Temperature
Clean the tip of the thermometer with soap and cool water or rubbing alcohol. Dry the thermometer with a clean towel.
Remove any clothing that covers your child's armpits.
Turn the thermometer on and wait for the signal to indicate it is ready.
Lift up your child's arm and place the thermometer tip under his armpit. The thermometer should not touch any clothing --- only his skin. Lower his arm and have him hold onto the elbow of his opposite arm. Crossing his arm in front of his body will keep the thermometer in place.
Listen for the signal that the thermometer is done and remove the thermometer. Record the date, time and temperature.
Clean the thermometer with rubbing alcohol or soap and water; dry it with a clean towel and store it.