How Often Should Preschoolers Go to the Doctor?
Preschoolers need to visit the pediatrician once a year for checkups. At each visit, the doctor should measure the child's height and weight and check these against the child's past records to ensure he's growing at a normal rate. The pediatrician will also look for signs of any disorders such as autism. She should also talk to the preschooler's parents to make sure that he is hitting all the developmental milestones that he should be and give advice on any parenting issues.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists recommends that all children get a dental checkup every six months. Even preschoolers who have never had a cavity and don't seem to have dental problems should visit the dentist twice a year. At this age, children are becoming responsible for brushing their own teeth and a dentist can check if preschoolers are brushing thoroughly enough. Regular dental visits are also essential to check that children's teeth are growing in properly.
Eye Doctor
According to WebMD, children generally only need to make one trip to the eye doctor during the preschool years. Each child should visit the eye doctor between the ages of 3 and 3 1/2 to have her vision tested. After this initial screening, preschoolers don't need to make regular visits to the eye doctor each year unless they show symptoms of eye problems, like trouble seeing or eye abnormalities. Once they reach elementary school, they should get regular vision checks at school.
Other Issues
Apart from the usual sniffle or earache, parents should look for other signs indicating a child needs to go to the doctor. Call the doctor if your preschooler seems uninterested in potty-training by the age of 4 or doesn't seem to be growing steadily. If the child seems very uncoordinated, doesn't enjoy playing with other children or struggles to speak in full sentences, these can also be signs of various issues and a visit to the doctor is in order.