Why Is it Important for School Kids to Eat Breakfast the Morning of a Test?
Improved Concentration
Eating a balanced breakfast is linked to improved concentration and greater attention span, which are important for students sitting a test in the morning. The more concentrated and focused a student becomes, the more likely he is to perform better and achieve a higher test result. Not having breakfast before a morning test can cause a school child to find it harder to pay attention and become restless and hungry, which can distract him from the test and have a negative impact on his final result.
Better Cognitive Performance
Children who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to perform better in tests focusing on cognitive ability. In a study published in 1998 in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, it was revealed that children who ate breakfast before sitting a test received significantly higher scores in math than children who did not eat breakfast. The nourishment a child receives from her breakfast helps to launch her metabolism, which in turn initiates cognitive function. Skipping breakfast can therefore hinder cognitive ability, which can affect a child's performance during a test.
Work More Efficiently
Breakfast gives a child sufficient energy supplies to help him function efficiently throughout the whole morning. When a child wakes up after a night's sleep, his body has been fasting for hours and needs replenishment; breakfast means to "break the fast" and is vital in order to regain energy supplies and perform effectively. Having breakfast can also prevent negative effects often correlated with fasting, such as tiredness, hunger and irritability, which can significantly decrease work efficiency.
Better Mood
Eating breakfast in the morning can enhance a child's mood and motivation for school. Eating breakfast in the morning can have significant positive effects on a child's mood, which can motivate a child to work harder on school tests. A child with sufficient energy and an enhanced mood is more likely to have a positive attitude towards school and will be better mentally prepared for a morning test. Children who feel exhausted and irritated in the morning from a lack of nourishment are unlikely to achieve their full potential in a test.