How to Read a Death Certificate
Find out the name of the deceased, including information about the person's maiden name if the deceased was married. This information is generally located at the top of the death certificate and can be used when tracing your ancestral roots.
Look below the deceased's name and you will find the date the person died, as well as the location where they died. Historically, many people died in their homes, but these days many die in the hospital, on the scene of accidents or on their way to the hospital.
Determine the sex and age of the deceased on the following lines. You may also be able to locate the maiden name of married persons, if it was not listed on the name line.
Find the name of the doctor who informed and signed off on the death certificate on the following line. This line is often labeled as the "Informant" line. Just to the right is a small box that lists the informant's qualifications, and below it is the informant's professional address.
Learn the cause of death in the next to the last box. This is often a descriptive report written by the informant on the condition of the deceased, the cause of death and any measures which were taken to revive the deceased. Older documnets may be far more vague when it comes to causes of death.
Find out the date the death was registered just below the signature of the informant and beside the signature of the registrar.