How to Read Autopsy Reports
Go over the autopsy results, reading each section. Most autopsy reports include the following terminology or phrases below. I've included the meanings to help you understand what each phrase refers to:
*Organs/Organ Weights-
lists the internal body organs examined during the autopsy and how much each organ weighs in grams*Internal Examination-
tells the findings and condition of internal organs and body cavities such as the heart, liver, kidney, stomach, lungs, etc.*External Examination-
tells the condition and physical appearance of the body as it lies on the autopsy table. This includes any cuts, scratches on skin. -
Look on the Autopsy Report for the section that specifies 'Identifying Marks and Scars' if you would like to know if the deceased had any tattoos. The location and a detailed description of all tattoos and birthmarks will be outlined under this category on the report.
Note the section on the Autopsy Report that states 'Evidence of Injury'. What this shows are the injuries that the deceased sustained, possibly resulting in death. For example, if the deceased was shot it would be documented by noting the number of gunshot wounds; where the bullets entered the body and where the bullets exited the body.
Look on the Autopsy Report for Toxicology Results to see if any narcotics or prescription drugs were found in the body of the deceased. There will also be results for a number of other blood and urine tests on numerous substances such as cannabinoid screening(marijuana), and alcohol tests.
Find the section that states 'Conclusion' and 'Manner of Death' to read the medical examiner's opinion as to what caused the death and how it is classified. Some examples of this would be:
Conclusion- (deceased name), died as a result of a drug overdose
Manner of Death- homicide
Conclusion-(deceased name), died as a result of a single gunshot wound
Manner of Death- suicide