How to Handle a Death in the Family: What To Do When Your Mother or Father or Another Family Member Dies
If no medical staff is present, notify the family doctor or local coroner, so that a death certificate can be prepared.
In most jurisdictions, if the death occurred at home and no doctor is present, it is also usual to notify the police.
Let family and friends know of the passing. It helps to have several people making calls, to spare one person the full burden. If the person was active in a place of worship, the pastor or a staff member there should be notified as well.
If the person is an organ donor, and the situation is appropriate -- for example, if the death occurred in a hospital -- make quick arrangements for donations.
Consider -- or look for -- any instruction or last wishes the deceased has left regarding final arrangements.
Contact a funeral home to make burial or cremation arrangements.
Notify the person's attorney about the death, and ask if there is a will, or any updates to the will you may already have in your possession.
Consider whether the family wants to write and publish an obituary. This can be a good way to bring family together to focus on a person's highlights after they are gone.
Dealing with the deceased's finances and assets -- wills, estates, probate, taxes, insurance, Social Security, bills, credit cards, retirement accounts, and so on -- can be a complex and long-term undertaking. In the best of circumstances, most arrangements have been made in advance. But if not, consider seeking the help of a financial or legal professional.
Try to remember that this is a rough time for everyone in the family. Nerves are easily frayed; tempers can flare. Be careful not to contribute to bad feelings or rifts in the family that can be hard to heal.
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