How to Deal With a Parent's Death
Understand that a parent dying before a child is a natural and inevitable part of the cycle of life. We are animals that are born, grow, wither and die and accepting this will help with any feelings of victimization the grieving child may feel.
Realize that your parent got to live a full life and that is what people are supposed to do. Whether they died young or old, your parent had you so they probably had seen quite a few things and learned a lot about the world before they died.
Be honest about your feelings and don't pretend to be upset if you are not. Often, people presume that losing a parent is the worst thing in the world. Sometimes this is not the case and the death of an abusive parent may be a relief for a child. Never feel like you should be upset if you are not.
Talk to other people about your deceased parent. Storing the feelings inside will mean one day you will probably explode with sad emotions. Every time you talk about the dead, you lessen the pain of passing just a little more.
Partake in funeral arrangements and memorial services viewing them as a duty or obligation rather than something too sad to deal with. The least the dead deserve is a respectful send off and no matter where your feelings lie at the time, you must set a good example for your own children in how to deal with death.
Explain the death of your parent to your child as they may be very upset. It is hard for some people who are already parents themselves to realize that your parent's death can bring to light many fears in your own children about your inevitable death. Don't lie to children but explain things honestly and calmly remembering that you are still their biggest role model even if you are very upset yourself.
Know that every person handles death slightly differently and the prescribed grieving regimen may not occur or may be all consuming. Take care of yourself and your family without pause and in so doing honor the memory of all the parents that went before you.