How to Cope With Loss and Pain
Draw comfort from the fact that the pain and sense of loss will diminish in time. Allow yourself to feel sad from time to time; this is normal and part of the grieving process.
Plan a distraction. If you know that an anniversary or special date is coming up and that it might make you feel sad or depressed, plan an activity with friends or relatives.
Stay connected to your support group. This may be your religious congregation or leaders, your friends or social groups. If you prefer online support groups, instead of or in addition to your support system, is a support site maintained by a psychologist.
Seek the company of those who love you instead of staying away. The sooner you continue with your life and return to your routine, the easier it'll be to cope with your loss and continue the healing process.
Consult your primary care doctor if you notice that your feelings affect your work, you neglect your appearance or find it difficult to function. These are signs that you may be experiencing depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).