How to Donate Organs
Specify your desire to donate organs when applying for your driver's license. Complete the donor card indicating your desire to donate and attach it to your driver's license. There are also online registries where you can enroll to donate organs.
Discuss your desire to donate with your family so they won't be surprised should you die. If you don't want to donate organs, make sure they know this also. Your legal next of kin is authorized to donate your organs as long as all family members agree. State laws on organ donation differ so make sure you know what's legal in your state.
Visit online websites that deal with organ donation. Some allow you to register with them. Donate your organs for transplants or medical research.
Take advantage of financial opportunities from organ donation. Cremation costs or other death-related expenses may be paid for by some organizations.
Notify any organization you register with of diseases you may have. There are a few diseases which can prevent you from donating organs.
Research any other advantages of organ donation. You may be able to donate organs to a pool of other donors who will donate their organs to you should you need them.